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News Date Archive: January 2014
Fully Fashioned Memories is a Photographic exhibition looking back at the everyday employee who worked for Atkins factories how they celebrated special occasions and the impact factory life had on the local community. The project was in response to former workers and the general public expressing an interest in looking back at the way local people used to work and the changes in local manufacture and employment.
If you missed the Fully Fashioned Memories exhibition at Atkins Building or would like to see the extra vintage Atkins photographs that were donated after the Reunion Party you can see it again at the following venues:
Bedworth Civic Hall - 6th Jan to 30th Jan 2014
Broughton Astley Library - 3rd Feb to 3rd March 2014
Barwell Indoor Bowls Club 7th March to 31st March 2014
To see the photographs from the accompanying reunion party please see https://www.facebook.com/pages/The-Atkins-Building/154133097944948?ref=hl#!/media/set/?set=a.676064542418465.1073741827.154133097944948&type=3